Hugh Stone #952

Hugh Stone member # 952 passed away on August 19, 2015. Services to be held Aug 25 in Mt. Vernon, Tx at the 1st Methodist Church at 1:00. Memorials may be sent to the church at PO Box 659, Mt. Vernon, Tx 75457. Our condolences to the family.

Hord’s Creek weekend August 6, 7, 8 2015

The group of 35 Cushman campers gathered on Thursday at Hord’s Creek to ride, eat, and enjoy the warm weather. 100 degrees  and more of Texas heat had us starting early and spending time with our heads in the shade. 

Ben Sargent and Raymond Love cooked breakfast and then fried fish and chicken strips for Friday night’s supper.

Skylar Taylor was NOT missing her first ride behind her Gran – Chrysti Love.

The group posed for a picture in front of the entrance sign. Please don’t tell the park ranger we got on the grass.

Then another picture at the gas stop on Saturday. 

The riding was HOT and the visiting was wonderful.