Water Valley Ride April 2017

Water Valley park was the site for 11 campers for this year’s “Ride to Eat”.

13 Scooters were ready to be ridden on Friday morning. Weather was beautiful and breakfast was just over the Divide. At lease 22 people made the early morning run to the Another Place Cafe in Robert Lee.

Robert Lee ride

Circle of wisdom Robert Lee

Ben Sargent, Richard Kesselus, Chrysti and Raymond Love 

Then on Saturday the COLD front hit. 11 tough riders began the ride to Cristoval, Tx to have lunch at Cooper’s Bar-b-que. 11 scooters and we had 32 there for lunch. (You do the math to discover the ones who stayed warm!)

Cool riders Sat. morning

Note the 53 degrees temperature.

Sat. lunch_edited-1


It is never a REAL Cushman meet without ice cream. These 2 were our “Scoopermen” of the day.


Ben Sargent and Roy Stanley

Ben Sargent then cooked breakfast for the group on Sunday morning.

It is always a joy to have the group together.

Thanks to Sharon Henderson for the pictures.

March 2017 Central Texas Meet

This year’s meet was NOT rained out! We had beautiful weather and rode both Friday and Saturday.

Tommy Goode and Richard Kesselus provided many safe miles of rides and lead us through blue bonnets with Indian paintbrush scenery and several fine restaurants.2017.4.1 Bastrop leaders








2017.3.31 Fish fry

Fried fish and onion ring meal on Friday night

2017.3.31 Goodes

2017.3.31lunch Bastrop

Friday’s ride lead us to lunch at El Borrego, Red Rock, TX


There was shopping time in Smithville. The ladies enjoyed the city-wide garage sale.

2017.4.1 Bastrop Smithville2017.4.1 Smithville 2


2017.4.1 Murphy's

Saturday’s ride had lunch at Murphy’s Steakhouse, Winchester, TX


We appreciate the hospitality of the Bastrop group. Thank you to Richard and Betty Kesselus and Tommy and Debi Goode. Tommy and Debi provided the chase vehicle.

A complete article will be in the next newsletter.

The Concho Valley group will be hosting their meet at Water Valley April 21-23. Please come and join them. See calendar of events for more info.