2021 State Meet

We were in Abilene at the Expo Center on Oct. 11-16, 2021 The following is a recap of the meet. The original information is at the bottom.

Since the 38th State Meet was cancelled, the patches were altered and sold during the meet.
The 39th State meet patch.
Trophies ready for presentation at banquet.
High point scooter- Highlander 1953 Model- Don Reed
Don Reed with President Richard Kesselus
People’s Choice – 1959 Eagle- James Perry
James Perry with President Richard Kesselus

The following are a photo upload of many that didn’t make the magazine. Enjoy! The complete articles will be in the magazine.

Registration was handled by Ginger Freeze, Chrysti Love -State Secretary, and Jane Press- Incoming State Secretary
After the Early Bird dinner at Rosa’s Cafe, we had a baked goods auction with Don Henry serving as auctioneer. Donations went to the American Cancer Society
Food and friends!
More friends!
And more friends!
Steve and Lynn Abbitt
Frank Turbeville
Raymond Love
When you saw a cap like this, the person wearing was an state officer, a Board of Director, or a scooter judge.
James Press, VP, Tommy Goode, Treasurer, Larry Freeze, incoming President, Jane Press, Secretary, and Chrysti Love, new Editor/ Webmaster
Scooter judges- Paul Kruska, David Pickett, Don Ledbetter, James Press, Head Judge- Tommy Goode, and not in picture, Don Reed.
Board of Directors -Twig Branch, Jack Miller, Don Ledbetter, Ben Sargent, Raymond Love, and Debbie Ledbetter
Bingo leaders. Judy and Don Henry, Phyllis Williams coordinator.
Donations to play Bingo were donated to American Cancer Society.
Jane Press enjoying a break from the registration table.
Tommy and Debi Goode were winning!
Betty Kesselus showing off her prize.
Jane and Martin Stafford sharing a Bingo table with Jerry Krenek and Diana Hybner.
Emma Miller helped Ginger Freeze with her American Cancer Society sale table.
22 ladies enjoyed the Highlander Honey lunch at Hickory Street Cafe.
Jane Stafford,Gloria Henslee, Beth Doan, Ann Reed, Mary Kruska, and Karen Pickett
Standing with the blue bowl- Jacque Gish. At table: Carolyn Turner,JoEllen Stanley, Diane Simpson, Joyce Faltinek, Joyce Pearce, LouAnn Jordan, and Judy Henry
At the back table: Chrysti Love, Debi Goode, Ginger Freeze, Emma Miller, Betty Kesselus, and Jane Press
The Friday ride was to Sweetwater where the group ate at Allen’s cafe.
Scooters – always a draw for curious people to come look, see and remember another time.
Debbie and Don Ledbetter, Don Paige and Beth Doan. The backs of Gary and Phyllis Williams, and Judy Henry
In the picture : Pete Henderson,Jack Miller, Karen and David Pickett, Joe Faltinek. Martin and Jane Stafford, Don Reed, Bill Husted, Richard Kesselus, Carol Husted. Gary Williams and Debbie Ledbetter
Karen and David Pickett, Joe Faltinek, Frank Turbeville, James Press, Larry Freeze, Paul and Mary Kruska, Pete Henderson, Jack Miller
When they play, they play HARD! This is “THE SLED”
The Winner. Jack Hadlock pulled the 500lb sled for a full pull.
Jack Hadlock and Don Henry
6 scooters made the 100 year ride that James Press organized.
Don Reed had High point scooter with 145 points
Frank Turbeville has People’s Choice in the 100 year ride
Banquet meal was cooked on site by Josh Helms.Delicious !
Table decorations and name badges were provided by the Abilene Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Richard Kesselus presents the 2020 Founder’s Award winner James Press with his wife Jane looking on.
Richard Kesselus presenting the 2021 Founder’s Award In memorium of Bill Beck. Accepting the award is Bill’s wife Belinda Beck.

This is the original information:

The July Newsletter is have all this information and more!

Look forward to a longer time together because the meet has been extended by 3 days. More rides and events are being planned.

This is the registration form to view. Below is a link to a PDF file for you to print.

Abilene Hotel List

The blocked rooms that is on the blog post was not correct. Please Google Abilene for accommodations.

This is the schedule. As always, check on the White board by registration desk for undates.

NOTE: Highlander Honey’s Luncheon will be on Thursday, Sign up at the registration desk.

100 Year Ride

Show Scooter Rules

Camping: Expo Center in Abilene charges $25. per night for camping. They will be collecting the fees by a website link or pay at the center. Enter by the East gate by turning off the Loop322 access road and then turn left into the camping sites.

NEW PARTS at the Texas State Meet Info from Richard Kesselus

The Texas State meet is just around the corner so here is a little information you should know about new parts variability at the Meet.  You may have seen the Post about Arcadia Parts.  Here is what has happened.  Due to the Late Schedule for the South East Cushman Club right on top of us we will not have either of the major Cushman Vendors at our meet.  Their location in Tennessee is right in the back door of both Arcadia and B&B. So, I cannot blame them for going there instead of coming to out meet.  So here is the latest on New Parts.  Steve at Arcadia has worked out a deal with Tommy Goode and Steve will ship the most often asked for parts to Tommy who has agreed to add that to his own parts and have them available at the Meet.  Yes, we will have new parts available and if there is something that you want let me know and I will pass the information along. I am not privy to the deal between Steve and Tommy but will pass the information along to them.  It will be best to make the request by email but again to not confuse the situation just let me know and I will pass the information along.


If you watch the factbook sites the California Club has rescheduled there meet at the same time as our meet. Just to VENT some it is too bad that the leadership of all the various clubs can’t work together to space things out to make all the meets available to everyone from anywhere.Looking forward to seeing everyone in Abilene. Watch for more information as we get closer to October