Updates to Website

I have been copying and pasting the newsletter information about the State Meet page on the website. Thanks, Jennifer, for the great newsletter. You have done a great job.

There are paragraphs about schedules, show scooter information, 100 year ride qualifications, and  rv sites/hotel info for you. The ladies will want to read about the Highlander Honey’s Ride and luncheon on Saturday.

The Drawing was a big hit last year. The ladies collected more than enough to pay the tab for repairing the Pull Sled.

The Foster Art classified ad has been removed. Jim Harris has reduced the price of the 2 scooters he has for sale in the classified ads.

Spend a little time and get excited! State Meet Time is HERE.

See you soon.

Spring Creek, San Angelo weekend August 2016

The rides were great and we ate well. 

On Friday morning we started out early on a breakfast ride with 12 scooters. We arrived in Mereta, Tx after 40 miles through the crops and fields of Tom Green county. 

The afternoons were spent trying to get cool and then we would slowly reappear to visit some more. Thursday night
We ate at Catfish Corner with 21 people. Friday we had 28 at Western Skies, and Saturday afternoon we meet with 21 at Freddie’s. 

On Saturday morning the Breakfast Master, Ben Sargent, served sausage and pancakes at the Pavillion. 

The 10 scooters headed to Foster Park and the ladies headed to garage sales. Every one was happy.

Night time visiting was enjoyed by all these wonderful friends.

Thanks to Beverly Ledoux, Margaret Trevino, and Chrysti Love for the pictures.

Safe travels and we’ll see you all again.