Count Down to 41st State Meet in Snyder, Tx

Got my Jacket and Cecile Blount earrings ready to pack!

It is ONE WEEK -7 days until we gather in Snyder for rides, eating, and visiting with all these wonderful people.

The Highlander Honey’s luncheon location has been changed to Table Matters. Ginger has more info at the Highlander Honey’s table when you sign up for this treat.

The Chamber of Commerce welcomes our group back to Snyder.

Hope to see you there. Remember the annual dues are expected by Oct.7 for you to remain a member on the Texas Cushman Club.

It’s for the Club!

Marcus Sheik could be heard encouraging others to purchase items at the club benefit auction last year. “It’s for the club”.

You can see, the Ice Cream is ready for the Ice Cream Social at the Snyder 41st State Meet.October 4-7. Come have ice cream and be a part of the annual fundraiser for the Texas Club.

Get your items ready for donation and bring them to the Registration Desk at the Coliseum.

We look forward to seeing you there!

State Meet Vendors

It is less than a month until the state meet in Snyder. Get the scooters running and if you discover you need a part, here are your contacts.

If you are needing specific parts:

Call and ask for “personal delivery” to the State Meet as both of these vendors will be in Snyder to help you.

Tommy and Debi at Paris, Tx 2022

Tommy Goode, Lost Pines Cushman

TCC #484

(512) 549-3062


Steve at Paris, Tx 2022

STEVE LORENZ (317) 984-2874 |

TCC# 1926

Steve Lorenz no longer ships so this will be your opportunity to get supplies.

Snyder, Texas Oct.4-7, 2023